Helping remote teams to stay connected and up-to-speed

Managing remote teams has suddenly become both an imperative and a challenge for business.
The number of employees working at home has been steadily growing in recent years, with homeworking up a fifth in the last decade. The arrival of the COVID-19 pandemic and the fact that allowing agents and employees to work remotely reduces office overheads, enhances productivity, and offers a host of new opportunities to business leaders has lead to an exponential rise in home working.
All previous reasons for remote working were suddenly overtaken as it became the de-facto means of keeping the lights on in business in the face of a government-imposed lockdown. As a consequence, the problems surrounding the management of a remote workforce quickly became an imperative rather than the required necessary afterthought for management.
Dimensions has been serving this need for robust analytics by delivering cloud-based, as a service solutions. It’s not just the employee working at home; collaborative applications being used mean that there is a web of contacts that fall within remote teams such as contractors, customers and suppliers. In fact, any team member that needs to access cloud technology for managing communication and collaboration from a distance is a remote worker.
The Xarios Dimensions call analytics portfolio is designed to provide the tools that organisations and their remote teams need to maintain customer service excellence. The same tools are available for both office and remote based staff which means supervisors and management can see at a glance how staff are performing no matter where they are located – even globally.